
In order to connect Magento with our platform there is a two step procedure:

  • Create a User Role in Magento
  • Create the API User in Magento
  • Add a new integration in our panel and provide the previous details

Create a User Role in Magento

Navigate to System -> Web Services -> SOAP/XML-RPC - Roles and Create a new Role.

  • Type a Role name, i.e. aftersalespro_gr
  • Select from the Roles Resources the Sales -> Order -> Order Shipments (all options),
    Sales -> Order -> Retrieve orders info, Sales -> Order -> Change status, add comments

Create the API User in Magento

Navigate to System -> Web Services -> SOAP/XML-RPC - Users and Create a new User.

  • Type a Username, i.e. aftersalespro_gr,
  • Generate a strong API Key
  • Select the User Role you cerated in the previous step.

Add integration in AfterSalesPro Panel.

Add a new integration via Profile->Platforms section.

  • Select Magento type and fill all details you set in the Magento panel.
  • By default, WDSL Suffix is /api/v2_soap/?wsdl and WS-I Compiance mode Disabled.
  • By enabling Create Shipment with Voucher code in Magento, immediately after voucher creation,
    a shipment with the tracking code will be created in Magneto.
  • By enabling Send shipment email in Magento, after shipment creation in Magento, we request Magento to send the
    Order shipped email to the customer. (This option works only if Create Shipment with Voucher code in Magento is
    enabled, and you have also configure this option in Magento.)
  • Remember to type your url including the prefix, without the trailing slash, i.e.